Need a New Roof? Answer These Questions
If your home is in need of a new roof, it is safe to assume that you have many questions floating through your mind. By addressing each and every question, it becomes easier to understand your situation and how to move forward.
Here are three questions that deserve your attention:
1. What type of roof is best? From traditional shingles to shakes to slate, you need to know your options. Remember, you don’t necessarily need to get the same type of roof. There may be benefits of making a change this time around.
2. What type of ventilation system will be used? This is something many people overlook, but it is extremely important. You must make sure your home is able to exhaust excessive moisture and heat. An improperly installed roof, one without a ventilation system, can cause you trouble down the road.
3. Is this a ‘do it yourself’ job? While some people feel comfortable installing a new roof, this is not typically a DIY project. There are many reasons to hire a professional, including their ability to do the job the right way the first time around. Furthermore, and maybe most importantly, you never have to step foot on the roof yourself.
These are just a few of the many questions you will be faced with when deciding if now is the time to install a new roof. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance. We are here to help you understand every step of the process.