Trick or Treating Safety Tips to Keep Your Children Safe
With trick or treating on the schedule this week, it’s safe to assume that your children are excited about what’s to come.
While this is a big deal for your children, it’s your responsibility as a parent to keep them safe.
Here are a handful of trick or treating safety tips to keep your children out of harm’s way this week:
· Provide supervision if necessary, such as if you have young children
· Explain the importance of walking on sidewalks at all times
· Ensure that your children are wearing something bright or a light
· Talk about the best places to cross the road
· Check all candy before your children dig in
· Spend some time in the area where your children will be trick or treating, looking for potential safety hazards
· Make sure costumes fit well and don’t pose a safety risk
It’s easy to let your children run out the door and have a good time trick or treating. But before you do this, consider the many things you can do to keep them safe. Neglecting to do so could result in an accident, and that’s not a risk you should be willing to take.
What do you think about these trick or treating safety tips? Do you have any others to add to the list?
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