Prepare Your Gas Furnace for Cold Weather
With colder weather moving into the area, it won’t be long before you’re running your furnace full-time. Before doing so, it’s critical to take the necessary steps in preparing your furnace for the months to come.
· Change your filter: If you haven’t changed your furnace filter in the last three months, it’s time to do so. This cuts down on the amount of particles in the air, while also improving efficiency.
· Clear clutter: Don’t crowd your furnace with clutter. Generally speaking, you should keep a two-foot buffer around the perimeter of your furnace. And if there’s anything flammable in close proximity, move it farther away.
· Call an HVAC professional: Regular maintenance is essential in keeping your gas furnace in good working condition. Even if your furnace is running fine, call an HVAC professional for a tune-up. You never know what they’ll find upon closer inspection.
These are just some of the many ways to prepare your gas furnace for the cold weather to come. When you take these steps, you’ll feel better about your furnace working at max efficiency until the weather finally breaks.
Pond Roofing is an award-winning roofing contractor in Fairfax, VA. We specialize in roofing, siding, window replacement, and door replacement in Fairfax and Arlington, VA. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google.